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  • Writer's pictureNicole Ciuppa, RDN

Rainbow Vegan Pizza


  • My homemade Italian pizza crust

  • 1 cup beets

  • 1 cup baby carrots

  • 1 cup brussel sprouts

  • 1/2 small yellow pepper

  • olive oil to sautee vegetables and grease pizza pan

  • sea salt

  • tomato sauce


  1. Boil the beets, baby carrots, and brussel sprouts, in separate pots, until tender. Drain and thinly slice.

  2. In a saute pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil (add more if needed) and saute the brussel sprouts on medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Add sea salt to taste.

  3. Thinly slice the yellow pepper.

  4. Spread sauce onto the pizza creating a thin layer. Add all of the prepared vegetables on top. (I arranged mine into a rainbow pattern!)

  5. Put the pizza into the oven and bake at 425°F for 15 minutes.

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